Taking Photos Or Living the Moment: Which Is Best?

Introduction: The History of Documentation
Throughout history, humans have documented their lives, from primitive cave drawings to today's world of 3D augmented videos.
Taking photos provides a valuable means to remember moments almost exactly as they were. Without photos, our memories can be influenced by our emotions at the time or our mindset. While this isn't necessarily a negative thing, having an accurate depiction can serve as a reality check.
It's undeniable that social media culture has altered our perception of documentation. The pressure to document and share our experiences has led some to argue that it has diminished the genuine joy of The Moment.
Types of Documentation
There are numerous ways to document your everyday life, and some are healthier than others. Since every lifestyle is unique, there's no need to conform to any of the categories listed below.
Documentation and The Future Goldmine
It's not just about the social media posts, it's about the memories we capture without any intention of sharing them.
Scrolling through your camera roll might feel like opening a time capsule. The coffee cups, the city streets of Barcelona, your dog's first bath—they're all pieces of the puzzle that make up your life. These unposted photos hold immense value.
These forgotten photos could become cherished treasures someday. As our lives unfold, these seemingly mundane captures gain significance.
Just as vintage photographs have the power to transport us to another time, our unposted digital memories might hold an even greater allure in the future.
The outfits we wore, the places we visited, the people we spent time with, they all become threads woven into the tapestry of our lives.
Overdocumentation happens when we excessively take photos of our lives.
Familiar examples include taking an excessive number of food photos, constantly photographing your pets, or sharing online every single activity.
When we overdocument, it becomes more challenging to form emotional connections with the people we're with because we don't truly spend quality time with them.
It also becomes harder to create an emotional connection with the moment itself. Such photos often fail to evoke emotions because there were hardly any to begin with.
Overdocumentation and Social Media
We often find ourselves overdocumenting, taking dozens of photos of the same subject just to find that one perfect shot for uploading online.
This habit can alienate us from the moment and, unfortunately, gives documentation a bad reputation.
Underdocumentation occurs when we take very few or no photos of our experiences.
It's a somewhat controversial topic because some people fully embrace it as a way to disconnect from distractions and social media, allowing them to genuinely savor the moment.
While this idea holds some truth, it is not 100% accurate. Engaging in various activities other than taking photos can lead to distractions as well, preventing you from fully enjoying the moment.
Some activities may have a negative reputation, while others have a positive one.
The Trap of Underdocumentation
Underdocumentation is a gradual pitfall because its impact becomes evident a few years later when you don't have something to look back on and remember those good days.
You don't have to take photos just to upload them online, but for some intense experiences, capturing photos can evoke many emotions when you revisit them in the future.
Do your friends a favor and take photos of them, they will appreciate your effort a few years from now.
So, Should I Take Photos or Enjoy the Moment?
You should enjoy the moment and consider snapping at least one less-than-perfect photo.
There's no need to be too strict about it. Capturing photos is a bonus, and our main goal is to enjoy the moment.

When Should I Take Photos?
You can take a photo whenever you feel the moment is worth remembering.
Try to avoid missing the moment by striving for the perfect picture, as even a bad photo can evoke memories and emotions.
Aim to capture at least one imperfect photo, and then you can relax and re-enjoy the moment.

Go the extra mile and print some photos. They hold greater value and make excellent gifts compared to digital files.
In Conclusion
If you tend to underdocument, it's never too late to start capturing life moments.
If you lean toward overdocumenting, take a step back and enjoy the moment first. Then, you can take a few shots.
Photography is all about capturing moments. Find the delicate balance that works for you.
A Word From The Author
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